RM4Tech is the only family-owned and family-run software development company, entirely operated from start to finish by our family team.

Our mission is to affordably innovate and revolutionize people's lives through software while retaining our roots of a family-owned and family-operated business.

About Us

We began our journey in 2012 developing websites for small businesses. As we began the development of our first software application in May 2017, we incorporated as RM4Tech.

The RM4Tech name was derived from the 4 R Moores, Ryan, Rhonda, Riley, and Reid. Our products from idea conception to customer implementation are completely done by some part of the "4 Rs". As a family business we all pitch in where necessary to get the job done. Our logo was created to emphasize this family connection.

Ryan and Rhonda grew with a Silicon Valley start-up from twenty to hundreds of employees. They held both engineering and management positions throughout their time. RM4Tech sticks to these roots that Ryan and Rhonda were exposed to over 30 years ago. Ideas like 'The current customer is your best customer.' and 'Is it fair, is it reasonable, is it honest?' are inherent cultural values that were passed along.

The RM4Tech Family

    Ryan Moore - Chief Information Officer / Owner

  • Bachelor Degree, Computer Science / Mathematics, San Jose State University, 1983.
    Over 30 years of experience in software design and development, systems engineering, IT management, and project management.
    Off hours spent landscaping, gardening, reading, refining his Star Trek collection, and playing soccer.
  • Rhonda Moore - Chief People Officer / Owner

  • Bachelor Degree, Computer Science / Mathematics, Point Loma College, 1981.
    25 years of experience in software design and development, program management, project management, financial management and analysis, and controller.
    Loves to garden, play games on her tablet, take walks with the family dog, and spend time with her husband and family.
  • Riley Moore - Chief Executive Officer / Software Engineer / Owner

  • Bachelor Degree, Information Technology / Minor, Computer Science / Minor, Business Management, California State University Channel Islands, 2017.
    Riley is the eldest son of Rhonda and Ryan. Interests include reading, listening to podcasts, playing soccer, watching UFC, and socializing with friends.
  • Reid Moore - Chief Software Engineer / Owner

  • Associate's Degree, Computer Science, Sierra College, 2018.
    Reid is the youngest son of Rhonda and Ryan. Interests include Anime, Dungeons and Dragons, and Table Top Gaming.



DirectSuggest is an award-winning employee suggestion box app that makes it simple for employees to make suggestions on any device with the assurance they arrive to the proper decision-maker and collaborate on suggestions through voting and commenting to enhance the quality of the idea.


CrowdUltra is an award-winning social platform for community, engagement, and enhancing any occasion. We are part social platform, part free all-in-one event and audience interaction app, and part ticketing/VIP membership platform.

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